Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mailbox Fliers

When your business is something that you advertise to households (House cleaning, Painting, yard service, Handyman, etc.) I have drummed up massive amounts of business with this tactic. For this you need neighborhoods with the regular mail boxes that stand out in the front of each house.

If your business is painting or some type of repair, or roofing, look for a large subdivisions which are just at the age of most of them needing work.Let me usa a real life house painting business as an example. I found a tract of homes where there were about 400 homes divided into two sections which were 10 - 12 years old; meaning they were all getting ready for painting. I made up the first 1/2 page flyer shown in our flier section. I put these out until I get my first job there, and I also had a sign made for the front yards of any homes I was painting. Idid a great job on that first house, and as I started the job, I passed out the #2 fliers to all the maiboxes in the neighborhood, and made it a point to talk to any of the neighbors I ran into. Each time I did another house there, I would add them to the next flier (#3), and kept it up until I ran out of space (#4). I kept myself and two full-time painters busy in this tract of homes alone for almost 3 years. Using a method like this you can virtually own a neighborhood...And make a lot of friends while you're at it.


There are stringent laws regarding the use of the mailboxes. See

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